English 2

                                           Tolland High School


English II                                                                                Ms. Egan

Phone: (860) 870-6818 Ext. 10109                                       
e-mail: [email protected]


Introduction & Overview:


Welcome to English class! 😊 I am delighted that you and I will be working together this semester. I believe in your potential and in your capacity to develop as a reader, writer, and thinker. Indeed, you will be called upon throughout the semester to fully engage and utilize your verbal and analytical skills as we examine a wide range of literary work, including, but not limited to, the following:


Oedipus                                                           A Raisin in the Sun

Antigone                                                          Night

Speak                                                               Selected short stories                                     

Romeo and Juliet                                             Poems                                     


In addition, we will work on vocabulary and grammar; we will review literary terms and MLA guidelines. You will also be asked to write essays and responses; you will recite a passage from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Finally, you will call upon your ability to write creatively as you compose your own poems and short stories.


Goals of the Course:


  1. To enhance our vocabulary development
  2. To develop writing skills, especially in the areas of grammar, usage, and punctuation
  3. To prepare for the SAT test by further working on our interpretation, analysis, and evaluation of literature
  4. To read a variety of literary works in order to broaden our knowledge and ability to interpret and analyze the written word.




Quarter Grades:


Formal writing assignments, journals, guided practice, quizzes, projects, portfolios, and presentations will determine your quarter grades.


Semester Grades:


Quarter 1—40%

Quarter 2—40%

Final Exam—20%


Student Responsibilities and Expected Behaviors:


Students should come to class prepared, which may include the following:

  • Having a notebook and writing utensil
  • Having previous class notes available
  • Having completed assigned reading or other assignments
  • Having required textbooks and any other pertinent handouts etc.

*Classroom Etiquette

Students should demonstrate classroom etiquette, which may include the following:

  • Listening when others are speaking
  • Speaking at appropriate times
  • Respecting the opinions of others
  • Respecting the classroom property and environment
  • Using technology for educational purposes and with permission
  • Following classroom routines and procedures such as signing out, signing in, etc.


Students should be engaged in class, which may be demonstrated in the following ways:

  • Being attentive to instruction and classroom discussion
  • Asking appropriate questions at the appropriate time
  • Keeping phones off and away unless being used for classroom purposes
  • Seeking to make text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections
  • Taking ownership of and responsibility for one’s own learning and personal growth

Follow the Acceptable Use Policy whenever we use computers or the Media Center:

(See your agenda for a complete description of the policies)

  1. Students will be polite and respect all users.
  2. Students will safeguard their safety and privacy and the safety and privacy of others.
  3. Students will not attempt to disable the internet filter for any reason.
  4. Students will work on school projects only.
  5. Students will use appropriate language.
  6. Students will handle hardware carefully.
  7. Students will respectfully manage the software.
  8. Students will respect copyright and fair use laws.

Absences and Photos:

You should follow up with me after an absence to be certain of current assignments. Long term assignments must be completed within one week of your return to school. Special arrangements will be made for longer absences or extenuating circumstances. I am available for extra help most days after school. You should be aware of the possibility that student photos may be taken at some point during the semester.