
Course Overview:

¡Bienvenido a la clase de español II!  This year you will continue your journey in the rich culture of the Spanish language.  We will explore the Spanish language through use of the TPRS (Total Physical Response Storytelling) methodology.  We will focus on grammar, vocabulary, and culture through supplementary videos-clips and short readings.  Chapter benchmarks will emphasize proficiency of all four communication skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

You need::

  • Writing utensil (pen or pencil)

  • 1 inch 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper divided into several sections (ex: homework, classwork, notes, etc)

  • Agenda/Planner to record daily assignments


You will practice and be assessed on your ability to speak presentationally and interpersonally, to write presentationally, and to interpret written and spoken authentic Spanish. Your grades will be based on formative and summative assessments.

Quarter Grade:

  • Formative: Preparation and Practice (homework, class participation, speaking in class): …….10%

  • Formative: Quizzes………………………………………………………………………….………………..….40%

  • Summative: Chapter Benchmarks, Projects…………………………………………………….……50%

Exam Grade:

  • Midterm…………………………………………….……...50%

  • Final Exam………………………………………………....50%

Assigned practice (formerly known as homework):

  • is assigned daily!  (Put it in your agenda!)

  • is expected to be done at home, not in class!

  • is due at the beginning of class!

  • is always posted for you!  

  • will always be checked but may not be collected or graded!

  • is sometimes graded at my discretion! So….just do it!

Preparation and practice (formerly known as class participation and classwork):

Preparation and practice, especially in a World Language class, is imperative to learning.  These grades are YOUR responsibility and reflect meaningful contributions on a consistent basis. Please know that P&P:

  • will occasionally be collected for a grade!

  • consists of any reading, writing, speaking, or listening activities that are completed in class!

  • includes collaboration with peers and adults in a group!

  • means active listening!

  • means respectful classroom behavior!

  • means joining in, raising your hand, helping out!

  • means use of target language -- ¡español!

Make-up Work and Absences:

  • What happened??? Tell me why your assignment is late.

  • Catch up FAST! Spanish is like building a house: you can't put windows in if you haven’t put up the walls first.

  • As a rule with excused absences, you have a week to make up graded assignments, including quizzes and tests/projects/etc.

  • MAKING UP WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.   YOU come to ME.   WE make a plan.   Work gets DONE. :)  

  • Missing assignments are recorded in Powerschool as a zero (0%) which makes your grade look AWFUL. Don’t worry--as you complete work, those 0’s go away.  On the other hand, if you don’t make up the work...well….

Extra help?

  • Sure! See me to meet me before or after school. (Check the main office for the late bus schedule.)

Parent Communication:

  • BEST WAY: email me at [email protected]

  • OTHER BEST WAY: call me! (860)-870-6818 X 10237)

A few classroom expectations and policies:

  • Late x 3 = detention!  :(

  • Be ready to go: sit quietly, do the warmup activity, make sure your materials are accessible

  • Respect physically and verbally each other, the teacher, and each other’s property and space

  • sign-out and sign-in to leave the room

  • Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.  If independent homework assignments are shared, both parties (the “giver” and the “receiver”) will receive a zero for that assignment.  According to the THS Student/Parent handbook “Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and carries serious consequences. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • plagiarism (using the ideas, writings or words of another as one’s own)

  • cheating (e.g., sharing ideas or work with others when not explicitly instructed to do so or falsifying information)

  • taking, buying or receiving a paper written or translated by someone else and presenting it as one’s own

  • turning in the same or similar work two or more times for credit without teacher authorization.”

Cell phones: (Activities using cellphones are frequently done in pairs so that everyone doesn’t need to have a device.)

  • are to be placed face down on the corner of your desk and used only when permitted!

  • can be checked during transitions between activities.

  • are to be turned off and put away during all assessments.