Strive for Excellence
Welcome to Tolland High School

THS Coffee and Connect
5:30 p.m.
THS Library Media Center
Click here to join virtually!

About Us

Tolland High School is a community of learners who show engagement and perseverance in their academic endeavors. Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, others, and the environment; to be dependable and responsible citizens; and to act with integrity within our school and global community.

The Tolland High School community is committed to providing a rigorous curriculum encompassing 21st century skills in a safe, inclusive and enriching environment.

Mr. Thomas Poland
([email protected])

Ms. Kimberly Marinan
Assistant Principal
([email protected])

Mr. Tim McCluskey
Athletic Supervisor
([email protected])

Regular Day Early Release
7:15 a.m. to 1:43 p.m. 7:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Two Hour Delay
9:15 a.m. - 1:43 p.m.

7:00 a.m. -2:30 p.m.
While school is in session

8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
When school is not in session

Main Office Phone:  860-870-6818
Main Office Fax:  860-870-6826

Upcoming Events




Booster Club Website


Click here for information on how to obtain working papers.

You can 
email a copy of your Promise of Employment to Mrs. Keane at [email protected] and she will complete them for you.  You will need to show up in person to pick them up.  

Please call 860-870-6825 with any questions.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
December 01, no events234567
December 08, no eventsDecember 09, no events101112December 13, no events14
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December 22, no eventsDecember 23, no eventsDecember 24, no eventsDecember 25, no eventsDecember 26, no eventsDecember 27, no eventsDecember 28, no events
December 29, no eventsDecember 30, no eventsDecember 31, no eventsJanuary 01, no events2January 03, no events4