Telephone Number: 860-870-6818 ext 10146
Room Number: 146
PLEASE do not hesitate to ask for extra help. I am happy to arrange a mutually convenient time with you!
PRIDE in my classroom looks like:
v Do the best that you can and pass in your best work.
v Ask questions if you are curious or don’t understand. You are not the only one!
v Pay attention in class! If I am talking or someone else is asking a question, be prepared to respond, take notes, and learn!
v Be helpful and considerate to your classmates.
v Clean up your area before you leave the room.
v Do your own work and encourage others to do the same.
v Be on time! You have 5 minutes to get to my class from your previous one.
v Take good notes and keep your notebook organized.
v Be seated, have your homework out and be ready to begin when the bell rings.
v Use class time efficiently to complete your work.
v Keep all class materials out and ready to use until class has ended.
v Remain in your seat until the bell rings.