Kimberly Quirk

Telephone Number: 860-870-6818 ext 10205
E-mail:  [email protected]
Room Number:  205

Course Outlines
CP English 2
CP English 4
Honors English 3

Please contact me through e-mail or by phone if you have questions or concerns.  Sending a message via e-mail is usually the quickest way to reach me. 

If you are one my current students, please accept my invitation to visit the Google Classroom for your class.  You can access the link to it via your THS G-mail account.  I believe you will find this web page to be an even more user-friendly way to access your course outline, course documents, and reminders of upcoming deadlines.

Extra Help
Extra help is available by appointment some Mondays and most Tuesdays-Fridays until 3:00 p.m.