Spanish I is an interactive course that develops introductory Spanish communication skills; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The student will acquire vocabulary, conversation patterns, grammar structure and Hispanc cultural knowlege in context through Total Physical Response Storytelling and the textbook Avancemos 1. The state of the art lanuage lab will be used to enhance our curriculum.
Spanish II is an interactive course that contains the development of Spanish communication skills through Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS). The student will speak, listen, read, and write in the present and past tenses, develop practical vocabulary/conversation patterns, and cultural knowledge of the Hispanic world. The student will read 2-3 novelettes. The state of the art language lab will be used to enhance the curriculum.
Spanish III the student will continue communication in Spanish using the multifaceted Avencemos 3 textbook and audio program. There will be a major presentation of the present subjunctive with its many uses. Four additional verb tenses will be introduced. Students will be required to use most of these commonly used tenses in conversation as well as speaking, reading and writing assignments. The language lab will be used to enhance curriculum.
French I is an interactive course that develops introductory French communication skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The student will acquire vocabulary, conversation patterns, grammar structure and Francophone cultural knowledge in context through Total Physical Response Storytelling and the textbook Discovering French Nouveau Bleu. The state of the art language lab will be used to enhance the curriculum.