Course Information

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I teach Spanish 1, 2, 3 and 4.  Please select the course that you (or your child) are currently enrolled in from the navigation bar on the left.

Course Descriptions:

Spanish 1

Spanish 1 is an interactive course that develops introductory Spanish skills such as: interpretive communication (reading and listening), presentational communication (writing and speaking), and interpersonal communication (writing and speaking).  We will begin exploring the Spanish language and culture through the use of situational units from the text Senderos 1 and other authentic resources, supplementary readings and cultural materials.

Spanish 2

Spanish 2 is an interactive course that continues the development of Spanish communication skills through Total Physical Response Storytelling. The student will speak, listen, read, and write in the present and past tenses, developing practical vocabulary, conversation patterns and cultural knowledge of the Hispanic world.

Spanish 3

The student will continue communication in Spanish using the multifaceted Avancemos 3 textbook and audio program. There will be a review of present and past tenses and presentation of the present subjunctive with its many uses. Additional verb tenses will be introduced. Students will be required to use most of these commonly used tenses in conversation as well as speaking, reading, and writing assignments.

Spanish 4

This course includes an extensive review of Spanish grammar. Individual attention will be given to improving and building written and conversational skills. The textbook Avancemos 4 and audio program will be used to explore cultural practices and perspectives.