Consistently brings needed materials to class and is always ready to learn.
Usually brings materials to class and is usually ready to learn.
Sometimes brings materials to class and is sometimes ready to learn.
Rarely brings materials to class and is unprepared to learn.
Classroom Etiquette
Always shows strong self-control and respect for others, their property, and school equipment by following classroom rules and/or safety guidelines.
Consistently shows strong self-control and respect for others, their property, and school equipment by following classroom rules and/or safety guidelines.
Sometimes requires reminders to show self-control and respect for others, their property, and school equipment and only sometimes follows classroom rules and/or safety guidelines.
Requires teacher/administrative intervention to respond to disrespect for others, their property, and school equipment and rarely follows classroom rules and/or safety guidelines.
Shows excellent effort by completing and improving all assignments.Consistently participates appropriately in course activities (i.e. listening, contributing, supporting, collaborating).
Shows good effort by completing and improving most assignments.Usually participates appropriately in course activities (i.e. listening, contributing, supporting, collaborating).
Shows inconsistent effort by completing and improving some assignments.Sometimes participates appropriately in course activities (i.e. listening, contributing, supporting, collaborating).
Shows unsatisfactory effort by rarely participating appropriately in class activities and completing minimal work.May refuse to participate in course activities.