Here you'll find links to the brochures offered in the library, the prezis you've seen in your freshman orientation and MLA works cited lessons, as well as any materials your teachers and I have distributed to you collaboratively.
LMC Brochures:
Plagiarism brochure.pdf
Books for the College Bound (1).pdf
Reading for and About GLBTQ Teens.pdf
Reliable Resources
Freshmen Library Orientation
Citing Sources
Ebooks and Digital Audiobooks
Mrs. Grendzinski's Classes:
Kate Chopin's The Awakening Keyword: awakening
Fear's Effect on Our Society Keyword: Grendzinski
The Crucible Introductory Project Keyword: crucible
Reading Survey
Beowulf Pre-Reading Research Project Keyword: Beowulf
Mrs. Manning's Classes:
History Reference Center
Encyclopedia Britannica
Mr. Parzych's Classes:
Pre-research Survey
Citing Sources Prezi