Absence Procedures

Please click the link for the Connecticut State Department of Education Attendance Guidelines 2013.

Absence from School: 
Please call and leave a message on the attendance line (860-870-6818)  no later than 8:00 A.M., to report the absence. Please indicate your child's name, grade and reason for absence. Please call as early in the morning as possible. If the school does not receive a call, the office staff will make a reasonable effort to notify the parent/guardian of the child’s absence from school.

If a student is absent or misses part of a school day for a medical appointment or illness and has seen a Physician or medical professional, we encourage you to obtain an medical note at the time of the visit. That note should be brought to the office or health room upon return to school.The note must be from a licensed medical professional and  explicitly
state the date and time for which the medical excuse applies.

When a student is absent from school for the day, or more than 2 blocks of school, they may not participate in any extracurricular, co-curricular, or athletic activities on the date of the absence(s).

When a student returns from an absence and a parent has not contacted the school regarding the absence:
  1. on the first day a student returns, the student must submit to the main office a written, dated note signed by the guardian/parent specifying the date(s) and reason(s) for the absence(s).
  2. a student who fails to submit written documentation for an absence on the first day the student returns to school will be referred to the administration for disciplinary action.

A student is expected to make up all work missed when he/she is absent or tardy. Upon returning to school, it is the student’s responsibility to arrange with his/her teachers to make up missed work. Students have two days, for every day missed, to make up missed work.