UConn ECE Biology 1107/1108

BIOLOGY 1107/1108: Principles of Biology I&2

Instructor: Brandon Elliott

E-mail: [email protected]


UConn ECE BiologyMission Statement

                The UConn Early CollegeExperience Biology program is administered by the University of Connecticut’s Department of Undergraduate Education and enables high school students the opportunity to take college Biology courses that they may transfer to many colleges and universities throughout the country. This is accomplished through a cooperative effort on behalf of the University and partner high schools, based upon mutually agreed to teaching standards,curricula and assessments in accordance with the UConn Biology Department.


Materials needed forthis course:

-         Biology, 8th Ed., by Neil Campbell and Jane Reece(2008) Benjamin Cummings 

  • Reading assignments are essential for each lecture

-         Laboratory Manual: Biology 1107/1108 Laboratory Manual(provided)

-         Safety goggles and lab aprons will be provided


Computer and InternetAccess:

                Accessto the internet is required.  Computers are available in room 221 and in the THS library media center afterschool.  Course information and related materials will be posted on the instructor’s webpage:        
UConn ECE Website:


Course ContentSummary:

                Students receiving creditfor ECE Biology 1107&1108 must have covered and received a final passing grade of‘C’(73-76%) or above on the following units:

Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Genomics, Bioinformatics and Proteomics
Animal Form and Function

Evolutionary Biology
Genetics/Biological Diversity
Plant Form & Function