Summer Assignment 2023
Text: Biology (Eighth edition) by Campbell and Reece
This text is popular among college biology professors and is used in the introductory biology courses at UCONN. Reading assignments average from 30-50+ pages per week during the school year.
The text does have some valuable resources such as:
¨ online resources
¨ summaries at the end of each chapter (a good place to start before reading the chapter)
¨ self quizzes (with answers) at the end of each chapter
¨ a study guide that you will receive in the fall.
If you would like to purchase your own copy, you can do so at the UCONN bookstore or online. Be sure to order the correct edition.
The following must be completed for the 1st day of school (September 1st 2022):
Read Chapters 1-5
- The first chapter quiz will be on Fri. September 1st.
- Since we will only be spending a few days on these chapters, it is expected that you will have pre-read the chapters.
- Take notes- don’t forget to copy, define & understand the bold terms.
- Be sure your notes include all the bold vocabulary and an outline of the chapter.
- Do not skip over the images and their captions
- Complete the self-quizzes at the end of the chapters (write out your answers) and check your answers with those given in the back of the text.
I highly recommend having completed reading and taking all the notes for Unit 1 before school begins- it will help you to keep on top of the work once class begins. Remember that this is a college course that you will be taking, thus the pace of the course and the rigor of the material will be very challenging.
If you have any questions, you can email me any time during the summer:
[email protected]
Have a great summer- I look forward to working with you in the fall!!!
- Mr. Elliott